Master Key Lock
A master keyed lock is actually a lock that's built to be opened up by specific keys, but could also be opened using a master key. A master key system uses security key blanks that are precisely designed keys which could only be duplicated only from a locksmith who created the system.
Master keys are also used by landlords or landladies in apartment complexes where they have a master key that could open a door in each flat, and at the same time, each occupant also possess a key to their own unit. Other common areas in the apartment can also be opened using this key including the main door of the entire building. However, it cannot be used to open another apartment unlike master keys.
Master key systems also involve grand master and sub master keys. Need one key for different rooms? Master keys set up is your way to go.
Our team can procedure you a master key system in accordance to your key holder needs. All you need to do is to dial our number and our accommodating phone staff are more than happy to assist you. We are available 247 to answer you calls.